Two Bad Spirits & My Returned Flow

Since at least mid-April (that makes it a minimum of 6 weeks), I had been quite stuck when it came to my business. Of course, that’ also means my personal life was being examined, too, because they are absolutely connected.

It was a trying time. I acknowledged that the flow stopped. I had developed two offerings earlier this spring that no longer felt right. I didn’t know what to create next. I felt energetically depleted. My magic was gone. My smile didn’t feel the same. I was off. I had two on-going clients fall-away.

Like I tell you guys to do, I acknowledged where I was. It was happening for a reason, one that I didn’t know or understand, but that was ok. I took the time to fully enjoy not working. I practiced just being. If I was in Costco shopping, I was sure to enjoy the experience and use all my senses to capture the moment.

Did I mention it was 6 weeks of total weirdness?

A little less than two weeks ago, I mentioned to you that I could feel and sense that change was in the air. I was alllllmost there. It was on the tip of my tongue. I could almost bite into it.

The following Sunday, I was napping and had a crazy “dream.” I was with an old childhood friend and before long, I was working on her. It escalated and I began to pray asking Archangel Michael to come assist with the very ugly evil spirit within in her. I woke up from this experience unable to breathe. My physical body wasn’t solid. It was more like a wave of particles that hadn’t solidified (think of Star Trek’s transporter machine).

I was sitting there for a while thinking “WTF??” (Britt wasn’t home either, so I had to sit there by myself…) The experience was scary, but not scary at the same time. I did all I could for her. I had done my best.

After processing this on my own, I spoke with my fellow energy healer and super-dear friend a few hours later and then was able to pull my shit back together.

This friend of mine is the mentee of another energy healer and I’ve had a few thoughts about having my own session with him. I decided it was time to book. I busted out the credit card and made myself an appointment for two days later.

Come Monday, I checked on my phone after a client call. I had one missed call and voicemail from a friend that I hadn’t heard from in at least eight months. Her voicemail left me frozen. She and her fiance visited a B&B for a romantic weekend and purchased something at the local flea market after. Unfortunately, they got way more than they ever bargained for. Something terrifying came home with them and they had multiple experiences of this spirit in their home within a 24 hour period. She came to me asking for help.

I about died. Did this really just unfold in front me? Less than 24 hours ago I had that dream/experience????

I called her back immediately. I didn’t want to entangle myself too much (ok, honestly AT ALL) with her experience. I knew that if I looked too much, I’d draw it to me which is the last thing on this earth that I wanted. Note: when I was feeling stuck during those 6 weeks, the lesson of entanglement (picking up other people’s stuff) was strongly reinforced on me. Another demonstration of why I believe everything happens for a reason.

Her and her fiance seemed to soak up everything I had to offer in the way of information, guidance, advice, prayers, and setting them up in a bubble of protection. After about 35 minutes of talking, we hung up and I sat there in disbelief this happened.

I called Britt at work. I needed love. My chest and body were trembling with shock. It’s times like this that I’m even more aware and grateful of what an amazing husband he is. I felt better and could now move about my day.

Something was sooo up. I coudn’t write a story this way even on my most creative day. It was completely unreal. What was I going through or about to go through?

I was even more glad I had a healing session scheduled for the next day. What the hell was up??

I had my session on Tuesday. During that hour, I felt things changing. I felt small, subtle, and important change. It wasn’t my favorite session ever, but I knew it was perfect for me at the time in its own way.

The next day, I continued to mosey about. Nothing huge changed. Over the course of the next 2-3 days, I felt the snowball begin to pick-up steam. I began to feel open, more physically energetic, started to feel the groove coming back. My friend, who I mentioned earlier, noticed a substantial difference in my voice when we talked.

During my healing session, I was told that no one else does exactly what I do “for a living.” I’m a healer, coach, consultant, and my psychic abilities are still developing. I was so flippin’ glad to hear someone else say this. I have long struggled with how to “label” myself and figure out exactly what I can do for others that feels perfectly right to me. I’ve thrown a few darts at the board with some level of success, but never felt like I hit the bulls-eye.

The snowball began to take me somewhere. I had an ah-ha moment: just sell me. Not a service. But me and what I do naturally. It sounds so easy, but distilling things to simplicity can be the hardest of things to do!

On Wednesday, I sat down with a fresh piece of paper folded in half and a pink pen. Things just flowed. An idea or what you might call a download settled in. Later that day, I had a call with my business coach and we fleshed this out a bit more. About 26 hours later, I had a draft of a sales page in her inbox for her feedback. Since then, I’ve been eagerly working to get the sales page done and get this puppy out into the world.

I had found my way back to the surface. I’m back on track. I’m excited to work on the copy, page, images, and everything else that comes with creating something new. I have the spark again and it feels wonderful–maybe even better than ever. I’m in the flow, the flow that’s in the center of my being. I’m centered and quite grounded… so thankful.

If you’ve been in a slump, it’s so important to take care of yourself emotionally. Acknowledge where you are. Be gentle knowing that things have stopped for a reason (it’s ok that you don’t completely understand why) and it will resume in its perfect time. Everything will be ok.

I once heard, “Because everything is ok in the end, if it’s not ok, it’s not the end.” My long 6 weeks wasn’t the end; it was the means to the new beginning.

Lots of love! xo

P.S. If you would love to learn my signature clearing out process that I teach, come download my free step-by-step instruction guide!