Gratitude Kind of Day

I’ve been shifting a lot lately, as in, the arrival of my daughter has certainly up-leveled my wants. I’m growing in new ways and it feels so amazing.

One of the up-levels I’ve made was conceding to the fact I absolutely need a cleaning lady. My husband has begged me for years to get one. The idea of getting one used to put me to into tears. It made me feel like a total failure. I’m good at a few things and cleaning a house (let alone regularly) is not one of them. So when she arrived, it was a no-brainer and I took him up on his offer before he could even remind me of his suggestion again.

She came back today. She had a back ache that was bothering her so she was moving a little slowly. She was supposed to come last week, but we just rescheduled for this week since she needed the time to heal. When it was time to pay her, she discounted me for all of the above. I appreciated it. She’s a very nice and honest woman. It’s so nice to hire people with good hearts. # Gratitude

I was later thumbing through a birth group conversation on FB. It got me thinking back to my own recent birth with little girl. I sent my midwife a text to shower her with appreciation of how she supported me during the birthing experience. It makes me well up tears to think back to how she just held space for me in those magical moments (which were short bc my daughter basically flew out). My midwife helped me to have the birth just as I wanted it to be. (Yes, I am sobbing as I write this now.) She will forever hold a special place in my heart. #Gratitude

Today was a really good day and it was one full of appreciation for the people I’ve included in my life.

Shine on, my sisters.
