What Does an Energy Release Look Like? 13 Things to Watch for

I recently had a comment left on a blog that inspired sharing with you what I think releases can look like.

In the past year, I’ve seen a lot of emphasis on feeling a large emotional release during energy releases. But this isn’t the way an energy release can present itself to us.

13 Different Ways an Energy Release May Show

  1. Yawning a lot

  2. Feeling your body want to sway or twist itself

  3. Noticing new cravings for foods, drinks, minerals, vitamins, movement (not just yoga, but running, lifting, and anything in between)

  4. Feeling less sensitive about the triggering topic

  5. Dreaming (recurring dreams have new plots or endings; people from your past that are not important show up)

  6. Notice new signs or breadcrumbs (new angel numbers, new animals, songs, etc)

  7. Feeling like you are sick

  8. Life suddenly feels easier

  9. Having a big cry

  10. Interrupted sleep or unable to sleep.

  11. Being able to end or pause relationships.

  12. Cutting your hair.

  13. Nothing changes (This one makes it hard to not get disappointed. The energy can be subtly shifting so much that nothing changes to the naked eye; the ripple effect may take time to make something tangible observable.)

When I work with women, they always hear me emphasize that they may experience a variety of outcomes and not to judge any of it. Labels and stories are easy to assign to what we see based on our limited frame of reference from the past and things we’ve read or seen. Sometimes things have meaning and sometimes not. Your discernment is the only thing that can tell you which is true for you.

Cheering you on!