Dear Nicole...Help Post-Energy Session, Not Reacting by Default, Releasing Anxiety

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Q: Welp, I'm now in the feeling physically unwell stage after an energy clearing session (my first!)...I was thinking of replaying the session to keep the energy moving- good idea? Other strategies I could benefit from at this stage?? Thank you for your sage guidance.

-Alyssa M.

Dear Alyssa,

First off, excellent awareness of the physical change you’re experiencing. There are many things you can do to aid in the process.

You can…

  • Bath with Epsom salt

  • Take a walks in nature

  • Drink extra water

  • Take a shower with the intention the water is cleansing and healing your cells--hold image in your mind—to take away the ick

  • Ask your clearing guide/spirit/energy to help ease the process (or speed it up)

  • Repeat the clearing, too, that’s a great idea! Energy work has many layers to it so repeating a singular healing session will bring you very different outcomes each time.

Above all else, what does your intuition/heart/inner guidance show, tell, or say to do?? Do that!

And know that you prob stirred up a ton of sh$t since it was your first time, so that's why it feels like the calibration is so much right now. You are feeling it physically right now and similarly, you may feel emotional or spiritual changes creep in, too. (All of the suggestions above apply for the emotional or even spiritual changes you feel—not just when you feel physical change.)

Great work—I’m glad to hear your diving into your sessions!

Lots of love,



Q: What are your best tips for staying mindful in a moment when you just want to lose your shit? How do you stop yourself from reacting by default?

-Lelia H.

Dear Lelia,

Right off the bat, let’s be honest for a second: losing your sh*t occasionally does happen. And after it does, take a minute to collect yourself and then make apologies, if you want to. We all mess up. (It’s a bonus to show others how to appropriately fix things in a world where people don’t know how to.)

Default behaviors happen when one of two things occur:

  1. You don’t know what to do and feel rushed

  2. You are not present to consciously make a calm, intentional choice

When you feel your temperature rising, one very impactful thing you can do is just to step out of the situation. Remove yourself. Tell the other person, even if it is your child, “I’m having a really hard time and need a minute/or break.” Leave the room, breathe, look at yourself in the mirror, swear like a sailor, take child’s pose, do whatever you need. You don’t have to rush back in either. I understand that sometimes it feels stressful to have something temporarily unresolved, but if you show up in a conversation with a level head that will be productive, it is well worth it to step aside to regroup yourself.

It’s crucial you are clear enough in your mind to recognize when you are about to lose it. If you don’t have a good grip on that, I recommend working on practicing mindfulness, getting out your stress in a healthy way, or performing some regular energy clearing (or hire someone to do that with you).

If you happen to find that the automatic reactions happen more often than you’d like, I recommend considering a long-term plan for clearing your energy. There may be past life or current life stuff stuck in there that needs to come up for awareness to shift this pattern you’re noticing.

Lots of love,



Q: How do you release negative energy and anxiety?

-Jen I.

Dear Jen,

Probably counter-intuitive, but sometimes negative energy and anxiety are helpful. It can be that awkward, painful, hurtful stuff that gets us off our tushes to find the action we need to take that leads us to the real solution that we need. If we run to immediately release something, we might just miss a really big opportunity for a mind-blowing awareness to come forward. When we get that shift (or otherwise said as an idea of what to do next), the anxiety and related energy can literally vanish or melt away.

To directly address your question about releasing negative energy and anxiety, I’m providing techniques you can use that are super simple and effective.

Here’s one way to help release negative energy:

  • Standing on your feet, imagine a circle in front of you on the ground. Imagine that circle is moving in a counter-clockwise direction. Maybe you see it as a disc or even column, however you imagine or see it is totally cool. Next, step into that circle/disc/column. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Let it out. Notice the body softening, breathing becomes easier, maybe you are filled with quiet or peace. Stay in the circle as long as you feel called. Once you are finished, step out and resume life as normal.

Here’s a technique for dealing with the anxiety:

  • Talk with your angel/guide/Spirit Team. Let it out, tell them what’s going on. These entities are here near you and you know what? THEY LOVE YOU. They are here to support you in this life. Allow them to hear your broken heart or anger. Let it be a two-way conversation. They can offer you advice, healing, or conversation to help you work through your problem.

If your negative energy or anxiety stems from picking it up from someone else (you’re an empath), taken from my own clearing process, I recommend saying to yourself over and over “I call in what’s mine and give back what’s not.” This helps to rid yourself of the other person’s energy that you picked up and simultaneously calls in your energy that is elsewhere. You’ll feel stronger and clearer using this this powerful statement. (And if you can’t quiet shake all of their icky energy, go out for a run or do some exercises while using this statement. The physical movement compounds the energetic effect of these potent words.)

Lots of love,


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Nicole Karon (WOW Editor & Transformation Coach)

Nicole helps professional (or formerly professional) mommas make the changes in life they hunger for with her guided intuitive nature. She offers long-term mentorship and also 1-1 individual sessions to these high caliber achievers .

She is also the Editor of WOW Magazine, an idea that came years ago and re-emerged recently as a project delivered by her angels.

Nicole is a stay-at-home mom who deeply believes in the power of self-healing, loves sharing conscious parenting advice, and living a very natural lifestyle. Nicole lives in Florida with her husband, son & organic free-range chickens.

Find Nicole’s offerings on her site or sign-up to receive WOW Magazine & news delivered to your inbox.

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